Page:Poems Sigourney 1827.pdf/193

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        From Monticello's sacred shade
                So long thy loved abode,
        Where in harmonious sway
        Wisdom with the Graces trod,
                Turn pensive Muse away!

     There 's mourning in yon classic halls
         Which near Rivanna's rapid tide,
     Rear high their consecrated walls
                    In attic pride.
                    Virginia there
                    Like matron fair,
             To Science yields her darling care,
Sighs o'er her ancient fame and breathes to hope the prayer.
           She bids her embryo statesmen rise,
           Genius sparkling in their eyes,
           To bless with grateful tears, the Sage,
The founder of their dome, the star on history's page.

            Forth from his pen of might
            Burst that immortal scroll,
            Which gave a living soul
            To a young nation's shapeless clay,
                It said "let there be light!"
    And startled realms beheld a new-born day.—
    The waking world in long subjection held,
            Traced with astonish'd eye
            The question'd right of royalty,
    And fear'd the thunders of a vengeful sky,
    While Freedom from his storm-rock'd cradle came
            Scorning a monarch's name,
And with a daring hand the vaunted sceptre quell'd.