Page:Poems Smith.djvu/112

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When life became a cheerless blank,
Beneath dark and deep waves I sank,
I raised my voice with anxious cry—
Receive me, Lord, when I shall die.

When griefs oppress and sorrows rend,
Only on Thee we may depend:
My every hope and constant prayer—
God save me from my dark despair.
In Thou alone I'll put my trust
Until I mingle with the dust.

I care not what the world may say,
To Thee devoutly I will pray
That Thou wilt wash my sins away.
Ever in Thee, with fervent prayer,
I'll trust for Thy protecting care.

I pray for help from Thee above,
For still Thou art a God of love.
No taunt or wrong will ever more
Cause me again to feel heart-sore.
I'll leave this unkind world and flee
Away and shield myself in Thee.