Page:Poems Smith.djvu/133

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The beautiful light heavenward
Is no more obscured from view:
The Master is beckoning onward,—
There is work for me to do.

I'll take up the cross and follow,
Isolated from those I love;
Bid adieu to grief and sorrow
Till I rest in Heaven above.

Then when my work is over,
I'll silently glide away,
Home to a loving Saviour,
Where all is bright as day.


Love thee? Yes, while life doth linger,
Around our pathway blending ever,
Two hearts united, our loves are plighted,
While on earth we are united.

Coldness nor wrong can e'er dissever
My heart from thine,—'twill love forever:
Around our very life and being
Closest ties of love are twining.
Weaving there a home of beauty,
Where to love is our true duty: