Page:Poems Smith.djvu/34

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That I may bear my burthen,
And feel it's for the best:
Perhaps some day the angels
Will take me home to rest,

I oft times feel so weary,
And then I bow my head,
And ask, "How long, my Saviour,
Ere I'm number'd with the dead?"

Oh, mother, dearest mother,
The tears that I have shed,
Would make a little fountain,
Since you've lain in your cold bed.

I do so miss you, mother;
You were my joy and love;
Now you have gone and left me,
To rest in Heaven above.

I try to live so meekly,
And strive to bear my cross,
While I am journeying onward,
And on life's billows toss.

Each day my sorrows deepen,
While struggling to be free:
I sometimes cry in anguish—
"Oh, mother, come to me!"