Page:Poems Smith.djvu/36

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Farewell, sisters; thou'lt remember
Shady nooks we lov'd so well;
Where we roam'd the fields all over,
There in fondest love we dwell.

Farewell, kind and gentle brother;
In this hour of gentle bliss,
My heart o'erflows with love's emotion,
While I give the parting kiss.

Farewell, friends; now we are parting,
Your kind wishes cheer my way;
O'er my heart a deep, sweet sadness,
Steals the memory of this day.

Saddening thoughts now swell my bosom,
While for all I breathe a sigh;
Father, mother, sisters, brother,
Each and all a fond good-bye.


The bridal day! Ah, who can tell
The hopes and fears their bosoms swell?
The fair young bride by warrior's side,
So glorious in her maiden pride.