Page:Poems Smith.djvu/38

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He who knoweth every secret—
Every joy and every sigh—
Will bear me on my journey,
And receive me when I die.

There is no anger in my heart
While bidding you farewell:
I only know 'tis better
To go from you to dwell.

Such feeling of deep hatred
Lies rooted in your heart,
Which seems to me so earnest,
I must from you depart.

If you think of me hereafter
In the silence of the night,
You then will do me justice,
For you'll know that I am right.

The still small voice of conscience
Will ever whisper in your ear,
And warn you to be careful
Of those I hold most dear.

I trust in my Redeemer
For a record of my life,
When I appear before Him,
Freed from this world of strife.