Page:Poems Smith.djvu/40

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I replied that I was ready,
If the trumpet sound that day:
I was ready and so anxious
From earth to pass away.

My darling little children
And kind friends the only tie
Would hold me to the present life
If death were drawing nigh.

Some with heartfelt sorrow
Will regret with many a sigh,
When they see me passing over,
And know that I must die.

My heavenly Father, give me strength,
Is my most earnest prayer;
Oh, waft my soul to Heaven above,—
May I Thy glories share.

I never for a moment doubt
The goodness of my God:
That He would guide me onward,
And lift the chastening rod.

When earthly joys all vanish,
We see our way more clear:
Then we look into the future
As we find death drawing near.