Page:Poems Smith.djvu/45

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We long for a place of peaceful rest,
Free from every sorrow and care:
In Heaven we may be with the blest,
If we can only enter there.

For our heavenly home we're sighing,
And struggling on in pain;
And with all our hearts we're trying
Our Saviour's love to gain.

Then let us banish sorrow,
And flee from every care;
There may be a brighter morrow,
Then let us not despair.

For darkening clouds may lower,
And deepen into darker night;
And every hope may perish,
And leave our hearts in blight.

A mother is surely fading,
And passing fast away
Unto that bright Hereafter
Where is everlasting day.

To loved ones I will bid good-bye,
And on my lone journey go:
Kind love to you until I die
Is the best gift I can bestow.