Page:Poems Smith.djvu/76

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Even though you dwell apart,
Remembrance lingers ever
Around the heart till you depart
To meet thy darling mother.

One short year has pass'd away,
And vet it seems much longer,
Since you parted one sad day
In Ireland from thy mother.

Thy far-off home is ne'er forgot,
Thy heart overflows—no wonder—
To those you left on that lov'd spot
In Ireland with thy mother.

Oft as months and years roll round
Thy tears for home will linger,—
Bedim thine eyes till heart rebound
With love for thy dear mother.

And when thy journey's safely o'er,
Thou anchored safe in harbor,
You'll be so happy ever more,—
Welcomed by thy dear mother.

If while upon the surging sea,
Crossing o'er the deep water,
A passing thought you give to me,
Pray to God thy Heavenly Father.