Page:Poems Smith.djvu/84

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Be sure thy sin will find thee out;
Great sorrow will be thy portion;
Oh, turn thy heart, then, right about,
To thy true one's devotion.

Let all false syrens go, through life;
Love thine own, who, so forbearing,
Tender and true has clung through strife,
Though oft for thee despairing.

Remember you may bruise the heart
You once did fondly cherish;
But never till life shall depart
Will true love ever perish.


When every hope on earth has perish'd,
And every joy in life has fled,
We rest our hope on God our Saviour,
Till sweetly sleeping with the dead.

With cold hands folded o'er the bosom,
The silent voice no more to speak,
The soul ha.s passed unto its Maker,
Its record there alone to seek.