Page:Poems Stuart.djvu/83

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He is no less though she be the more. Thus they meet,
Long sundered whom life made for union, now at rest, now complete.

They are separate and free, they are woven and one,
And the world has grown quiet between them the battle is done.

For this is the dream, the ideal, the designate plan,
So slow of fulfilment, so sure,—God's prevision of man,

Shared burden, shared wonder, shared wisdom and strife:
In their fellowship only is found the perfection, of life.

Final Chorus.

    From what clear wells of wonder
    Upspringing and upspringing,
    From what rock cleft asunder
    Leaps this stream cool and bright?
    What secret joy thereunder
    Melodiously upflinging
Its heart in ceaseless music upon the lyre of light?