Page:Poems Taggart.djvu/108

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    Encompass my tired brain,
    And bid each mental pain
Fly with dread visions far from hence away.
    Away! imperious Thought!
    With keenest anguish fraught;
Thy aid I ask not, nor invoke thy sway!

    Leave the lone hours to rest,
    Obey the mild behest,
And swift, with silent haste, retire afar.
    Visit thy votaries pale,
    Who thee at midnight hail,
And by thy power sublime contemplate every star:

    The studious thee enjoys,
    Free from tumultuous noise,
When the fair moon rides in the vaulted blue;
    And by her paly light,
    Through the long, solemn night,
Pleased with thine aid, doth fancies strange pursue.

    But why dost hither bend?
    Thou canst not here ascend,
And mount the lofty pinnacles of fame;
    Thou canst not travel o'er
    Regions of learned lore,
Nor light thy torch from Genius' magic flame.