Page:Poems Taggart.djvu/50

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Now twilight's tranquil, pensive, pleasing hour
Diffuses o'er the soul its lovely power.
Calm contemplation now enwraps the mind;
To pensive musing all the soul 's resigned.
Sweet hour! when every anxious thought is still,
Like the smooth surface of the placid rill.
Thoughts, unconfined and freed from earth, now soar,
The farther flying still delighted more;
To distant worlds extend their piercing view;—
Enraptured, their aerial flight pursue.
Elate with joy the sparkling moments fly,
And circling beauties charm the wondering eye.

Now Autumn tints the scene
With sallow hues and dim;
   And o'er the sky,
   Fast hurrying, fly
Dark, sombre clouds, that pour
From far the roaring din:
The rattling rain and hail,
With the deep sounding wail
Of wild and warring melodies, begin.