Page:Poems Taggart.djvu/53

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A parent's kiss with fondest care
The pearly crystal dries.

But ah! the latent woe
That lurks in future years,
To blast their spirit's playfulness,
And cloud their minds with fears.

As reason grows mature,
New cares and griefs oppress,
And patience oft and fortitude
Must struggle with distress.

Their troubled hearts will then despond
To find Hope's promise vain;
But soon will youthful buoyancy
Dispel the clouds again.

O may their lives be quiet still,
As aught on earth can be,
And moments pass, 'twixt grief and care,
Of soft serenity.

May every guardian power on high
Their growing years befriend;
And heavenly virtue's fostering hand
From every snare defend.

O may Affliction ne'er dispense
Her deadliest sorrows drear;
But may the sweet, contented smile
Their parents' hearts still cheer.