Page:Poems Taggart.djvu/61

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And sue with streaming eyes;—
But more remote thou fliest away,
The humbler I thine influence pray,
And expectation dies.

Twice three long years of life have gone,
Since thy loved presence was withdrawn,
And I to grief resigned;—
Laid on the couch of lingering pain,
Where stern disease's torturing chain
Has every limb confined;

And separate from the household band,
Disconsolate and lone,
With no sweet converse's social charm
One pain imperious to disarm,
Or quell the rising moan,
I lie in hopeless doom to grieve,
While no kind office can relieve,
Nor can I sustenance receive
But from another's hand;

While anguish veils the body o'er
And balmy sleep is known no more,
And every thought that thrills the brain
Gives frantic energy to pain,
And the cold dew-drops copious drain
Through every opening, rending pore.