Page:Poems Taggart.djvu/64

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Can aught be brighter than the ray
That bears the orient smile of day,
When the first beams of sunlight play
On dew-bespangled flowers?
The soul domestic peace employs
With sweet affection's lovelier joys.

And when the day's declining hour
Invites you to the woodland bower,
Where bending osiers wave,
And near the mossy hillock's side
The gently rippling waters glide,
And the green margin lave,
Then 'neath the shades with dulcet song
Will Youth her pleasures sweet prolong.

And when sere Autumn's sallow leaves
Fly from the bending tree,
And, low and sad, the dull wind grieves
Along the fading lea,
Though vernal green and summer's tints
And beauteous blooms decay,
Still hovering o'er the changing hues,
Content's soft numbers play.