Page:Poems Terry, 1861.djvu/247

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by Ticknor and Fields.

Arnold's (W. D.) Oakfield. A Novel. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. $1.00.

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Arabian Days' Entertainment. Translated from the German, by H. P. Curtis. Illustrated. 1 vol. $1.25.

Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley. From the "Spectator." 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

The Same. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth, gilt edge. $1.25.

Angel Voices; or, Words of Counsel for Overcoming the World. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth, gilt, 38; gilt edge, 50; full gilt, 63 cents.

American Institute of Instruction. Lectures delivered before the Institute in 1840-41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-60-51-52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59. 20 vols. 12mo. Sold in separate volumes, each 50 cents.

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Bartol's Church and Congregation. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. $1.00.

Bailey's Essays on Opinions and Truth. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. $1.00.

Barry Cornwall's Essays and Tales in Prose. 2 vols. $1.50.

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Buckingham's (J. T.) Personal Memoirs. With Portrait. 2 vols. 16mo. Cloth. $1.50.

Channing's (E. T.) Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

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Coalr's (Dr. W. E) Hints on Health. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 63 cents.

Combe on the Constitution of Man. 30th edition. 12mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

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The Same. Cheaper edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Sheep, $1.50.

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Crosland's (Mrs.) English Tales and Sketches. 1 vol. $1.00.

Crosland's (Mrs.) Memorable women.. Illustrated. 1 vol. $1.00.

Dana (R. H.) To Cuba and Back. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 75 cents.