Page:Poems Thaxter.djvu/32

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Later, June bids the sweet wild rose to blow,
Wakes from its dream the drowsy pimpernel;
Unfolds the bindweed's ivory buds that glow
As delicately blushing as a shell.

Then purple Iris smiles, and hour by hour,
The fair procession multiplies; and soon,
In clusters creamy white, the elder-flower
Waves its broad disk against the rising moon.

O'er quiet beaches shelving to the sea
Tall mulleins sway, and thistles; all day long
Flows in the wooing water dreamily,
With subtile music in its slumberous song.

Herb-robert hears, and princess'-feather bright,
And gold-thread clasps the little skull-cap blue;
And troops of swallows, gathering for their flight,
O'er golden-rod and asters hold review.

The barren island dreams in flowers, while blow
The south winds, drawing haze o'er sea and land;
Yet the great heart of ocean, throbbing slow,
Makes the frail blossoms vibrate where they stand;