Page:Poems Toke.djvu/107

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Oh! as the wanderers watch, how fast
She bounds upon her way,
The seaboy on her rocking mast
Seems happier far than they.

No marvel that Hope flies awhile
Those scenes she strewed with flowers,
And Memory's mingling tear and smile,
Be-light departed hours;
No marvel that the eastern skies,
So bright to fancy's dreams,
Should fade as wakening thoughts arise
Of England's woods and streams.

'Tis past! Upon th' horizon's verge
The last faint shadow dies,
And now the wide unbroken surge
Blends with the meeting skies;
Evening comes down upon the deep,
From storm or ruffle free,
And calm as infant's dreamless sleep,
Night falls upon the sea.

Rest, wanderers, rest in peace once more,
Rocked on the billows' foam,
And dream, amid the ocean roar,
Of loved ones and of home.
And oh! when youth is on the wane,
And life's green leaves are sere,
May ye return in peace again,
To all on earth most dear.


December, 1836.