Page:Poems Toke.djvu/137

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SPRING bursts upon the waking earth;
Her voice resounds o'er wood and plain
And Nature, starting to new birth,,
Glows with the blush of youth again.
The fairest daughter of the year
Bounds on her rosy path the while,
With hope in every passing tear,
And joy in every sunny smile,

Life breathes upon the world once more;
Her mighty heart again throbs high;
And bursting leaf, and waking flower,
Proclaim she slept, but could not die,
Each breath upon the scented gale,
Each sound upon the balmy air,
Seems but to tell one stirring tale,
That life, bright, glorious life, is there!

Oh! loveliest season! joy and light
Seem borne upon thy sunny wing;
No flowers, save those of hues most bright,
Should cluster round the brow of Spring.