Page:Poems Toke.djvu/209

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Our children, too! Here each beloved one shares
A mother's hopes, a mother's fondest prayers.
Oh! may they, when long years have passed away,
Recall her love in every heart-warm lay,
And feel, how blest soe'er their lot be then,
A love like hers earth cannot give again.
And more than all, Beloved Husband, here
Lull oft is told the tale, so true and dear,
Of all thy tenderness, thy constant truth,
And love, that glows as in the days of youth,
Unchilled by time, unchanged by changing years,
Life's brightest beam, the rainbow 'mid her tears.
Oh, chance what may, can my heart e'er repine,
While thou art spared, while that dear love is mine?

God's best and choicest gifts for ever rest,
Dearest, on thee and them. Blessing and blessed,
Oh, mayst thou pass along the narrow way,
That leads—though oft through clouds—to endless day!
And if, whene'er thine eye may chance to gaze
On these brief records of departed days,
A lay like this should soothe one careworn hour,
Or waken thoughts which fall with softening power
On one warm feeling which the world hath chilled,
My task is done—my fondest hope fulfilled.


July 4, 1848,