Page:Poems Toke.djvu/214

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O LORD, rebuke me not in wrath,
Nor let Thine anger burn;
In pity chasten not my soul,—
Oh, when wilt Thou return?

Have mercy on my trembling frame,
That well-nigh sinks with fears;
Heal me, O Lord, for I am sad,
And wipe away my tears.

My soul, with sin and sorrow torn,
Now pants to view Thy face;
Oh, when wilt Thou, my God and King,
Return to me in peace?

Return, return to me, O Lord,
And as Thy mercies roll,
Incline Thine ear—attend my cry,
And save my trembling soul.

No thought of Thee, in Death's domain,
Can pierce the dismal gloom;
No lip can bless Thy holy Name,
When sleeping in the tomb,