Page:Poems Toke.djvu/244

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It never shall come nigh to thee;
But thou mayst calmly gaze, and sec
The end of those who hate the Lord.

For oh! because thou long hast made
That God, who is my shield and shade,
Thy joy, thy refuge in distress,
No evil shall thy lot o'ercast,
No plague shall breathe its deadly blast,
To blight thy home of blessedness.

For He will give thee to the care
Of angel legions bright and fair,
Who waiting stand around His throne;
And they shall safely keep thee now,
And bear thee in their hands, lest thou
Shouldst dash thy foot against a stone.

On lions thou shalt safely tread,
And trample on the serpent's head,
For I the Lord will guard thee still;
Yea, high o'er all thy name shall be,
For thou hast set thy love on Me,
And known and done My holy will.

When thou shalt call, then I will hear;
In trouble I will still be near,
To help, to save, to honour thee.
With length of days thou shalt be blessed,
And safely led to realms of rest,
There ever with thy Lord to be.


November 24, 183