Page:Poems Toke.djvu/26

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  "Then Edom shall no more Le free;
  And Seir! thy foes shall compass thee:
For Israel's sons must rise in power again:
  And He who in that latter day
  Shall hold the world beneath His sway,
From Jacob's land of peace shall rise to reign.

  "But thou, oh haughty empire! thou
  The first among the nations now,
Thine end shall be destruction, fear, and woe:
  And though yon Kenite's lofty nest
  Is fixed upon the mountain's crest,
And proudly towers above the plains below;—

  "Yet must she slowly waste away,
  Until that dark and stormy day,
Where Asshur's band shall close her dark career,
  And bow her haughty sons again
  To wear the captive's galling chain,
And shed the exile's bitter, hopeless tear.

  "Yea, ships shall come from Chittim's coast
  To smite devoted Asshur's host;
And Eber, too, shall then for ever fall.
  But, when those fearful days arrive,
  Alas!—alas! who can survive?—
Oh! who shall meet Thy wrath, dread Lord of all?"

He pauses now—the prophet trance is o'er,—
The vision fled—to come again no more!
'Tis gone!—like yonder sun's departing ray,
The heavenly beam has passed for aye away,—