Page:Poems Toke.djvu/270

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Of kindred hearts, but adds another tie
To those strong links, that bind our destiny
In happiest bands; and as we gaze the while
On each fair face that lights with loving smile
Our own old home, still purer, deeper flows
Affection's welling fount, still stronger grows
The holy bond, that knits with cords of love
Our hearts on earth, and oh! we trust, above.

And on this day, the day of all most dear,
That tells of thy dear life another year
Has passed in peace, Dearest, wilt thou once more
Receive the tribute offered oft before,—
Of warm affection, love that only grows
The deeper, as time's onward current flows;
And earnest prayers, that ever on thy head
Heaven's best and choicest blessings may be shed;
That, 'mid the clouds which shade earth's darkening eve,
The restless waves that round her bulwarks heave
With gathering might, God's guiding hand may still
Shield thy loved head from every touch of ill;
Guard thee in sunshine, guide thee through the night,
And lead thee on, with His unfading light,
Till thou, and all so dear, earth's perils o'er,
May meet before His throne, to part no more.


October 6. 1849.