Page:Poems Toke.djvu/285

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UPON this very day, ten years ago,
A ring of plain pure gold thou gavest me,
A The mystic symbol of thy lifelong vow,
Thy solemn pledge of love and constancy:
And well that pledge has been redeemed by thee:
For since that hour, alike in sun or shade,
Thy warm affection, never-changing truth,
And ceaseless tenderness, have well repaid
The trust of early years, the love of youth;—
Aye, thrice repaid it all! No mystic ring
Of precious import, can I bid thee wear,
Beloved Husband! yet the gift I bring,
Accept, with many a blessing, many a prayer,
And keep, for sake of her, who loves thee now,
E'en more than in life's dayspring, ten blest years ago.


July 4, 1847.