Page:Poems Toke.djvu/92

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FLOWERS, lovely flowers! to me they seem
Like things of life long loved and known,
Bright visions twined with many a dream
Of childhood memories past and gone.

Yes! linked with those fair forms arise
No mournful hues of woe and care,
But, blended with their sunlit dyes,
Come thoughts as bright and hopes as fair.

Lovely they gleam beneath the light,
Which morning now in lustre flings,
While still the dewy tears of night
Are sparkling on their fairy wings.

They shine like some bright spirit band,
Nor seem one tint of earth to bear:
And well they may,—no mortal hand
Hath blent the hues which mingle there.

The rainbow arch in watery skies,
The gorgeous clouds at evening hour,
Alone can match the sunbright dyes,
Which shine in every lowly flower.