Page:Poems Vadlan.djvu/36

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But with true service and a willing hand,
My fields shall yield the crops at harvest due
To supply her demand.

What sounded in my ear, so loud and clear?
Millions of children's tongues,
Whose clamour crossed with wind and wave,
That those with plenty still could save,
If heart and will so minded.
Who folds these children to her breast
And guards them with her country's best?
'Tis Britain, she now calls.
O, dare I pass that pleading gaze
Which binds me to Her side,
I'll let my purse-strings loose
For Her unstinted use
Shall be forth-coming:
Here Britannia, accept my money store.
I cannot go, but, help to Thee I'll pour,
Till all is o'er beyond the swelling tide.