Page:Poems Welby.djvu/197

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Here into song my every thought I'd render
And thou—and thou alone—shouldst be my theme,
Far from the weary world's delusive splendor,
Would not my lonely life be all one tender
      Delicious dream?

Yes! though no other form save mine might hover
In these lone halls, no other whisper roll
Along those airy domes that arch me over
Save gentle Echo's, sister of my soul!
Yet, 'neath these domes whose spell of beauty weighs me,
My heart would evermore in bliss abide—
No sorrow to depress, no hope to raise me,
Here would I ever dwell—with none to praise me,
      And none to chide!

Region of caves and streams! and must I sever
My spirit from your spell? 'Twere bliss to stray
The happy rover of your realms for ever,
And yet, farewell for ever and for aye!
I leave you now, yet many a sparkling token
Within your cool recesses I have sought
To treasure up with fancies still unspoken—
Till from these quivering heart-strings, Death hath broken
      The thread of thought!