'Twas good to see strange lands and men,To brave the sea-worm in his den,And good to steer for home again With laden prow;
With slaves and gold from south-lands broughtAnd gala sails so gaily wroughtWhere crimson dragons twined and fought Through fold on fold,
And war-shields in a double row—But it was all so long ago;So long, that I now scarcely know If it be true
That e'er I put a foe to rout,Or raised the Baresark battle-shout,Or saw the dawn come flashing out Across the sea,
I loved a woman o'er the sea,Fair as a Valkyr-maid was she,And, like a Valkyr, cold to me, Cold as the dawn.
Who knows but she may call my name,With eyes grown softer yet the same,Wrapped in white beauty like a flame, For that last fight