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Crown Svo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 4s. 6:.

62. Faraday's Chemical History of a Candle.

Lectures delivered to a Juvenile Audience, A New Edition. Edited by W. Crookes, F.C.5. With numeroas Illustrations.

Crown Svo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 42. Ge.

Faraday's Various Forces of Nature. A New Edition. Edited by W. Crookes, F.C.S. With numerous


One Shilling Monthly, Illustrated by ARTHUR HorkINs.

The Gentleman's Magazine.

Edited by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. In seeking to restore the "GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE" to the position it formerly held, the Publishers de not lose sight of the changed conditions wander which it now appears. While maintaining an historical continuity which dates back to the reign of George the Second, there will be no attempt to burden the present with the weight of a distant past, or to adhere slavishly to traditions the application of which is unsuited to the altered conditions of society at the present time, It is sought to render the Magazine to the gentleman of to-day what in earlier times it proved to the gentleman of past generations. New features will be introduced to take the place of those which disappear; in the most important respects, however, the connecting links between the present and the past will be closest. Biography and History, which have always formed a conspicuous portion of the contents, will retain the prominence assigned them, and will be treated with the added breadth that springs from increased familiarity with authorities and more exact appreciation of the province of the Biographer and the Historian. Science, which confers upon the age special eminence, will have its latest conclusions and forecasts presented in a manner which shall bring them within the grasp of the general reader. The philosophical aspect of Politics, the matters which affect Imperial interests, will be separated from the rivalries of party, and will receive a due share of attention, Archaeology (under which comprehensive head may included Genealogy, Topography, and other similar matters), Natural History, Sport and Adventure, Poetry, Belles Lettres, Art in ail its manifestations, will constitute a portion of the contents; and Essays upon social subjects will, as heretofore, be interspersed. Under the head of Table Talk matters of current interest will be discussed, and facts of historic value will be preserved. A Work of Fiction by some novelist of highest position will run through the sages of the Magazine, and will be illustrated by artists of known excellence. With a full sense of what is involved in their promise, and with a firm resolution to abide by their pledges, the Publishers undertake to spare no exertion that is necessary to secure the highest class of contributions, to place the Magazine in the first rank of serials, and to fit it to take its place on the table and on the shelves of all classes of cultivated Englishmen,

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