78 W. gives no clue to the authorship of this epitaph, which will be found in the Poems of Thomas Carew (Muses' Library ed., p. 76; Anderson, iii. 690). She was daughter of Buckingham.
In 1. 3 Anderson (but not the other edition collated) reads 'breath' for 'birth.'
il. 9-10 end : this place, hard case; (the change seems unnecessary ?)
79 From 'Bosworth Field, with a taste of the variety of other Poems, left by Sir John Beaumont, Baronet, deceased,' 1629; p. 165. See Introduction. Only minor changes of punctuation occur.
80 Dr. Philip Doddridge (1702-1751), the Nonconformist divine and hymn-writer. Like Fielding, he lies in the English Cemetery at Lisbon.
81 Captain Thomas James's ' Strange and Dangerous Voyage ... in his intended discovery of the North-west passage unto the south sea,' 1633.
It is interesting to find that ^V. knew this book, as there are reasons for connecting it also with the Ancient Mariner. See Dykes Campbell's ed. of Coleridge's Poems, p. 695. 1. 4 In heart
83 Thomson's Poems (Aldine ed. ii. 208): 'On the death of Mr. Aikman,' forty-two lines, from which W. has taken the last eight.
84 By Samuel (not Wm.) Daniel: in Grosart's ed. of Daniel's Works, i. 203.
1. 8 wildes
85 1. 18 on
87 1. 57 that hath
90 1. 112 peace conceiving
91 1. 124 In th'
92 Anderson, vol. xi. p. 203, gives five 'stanzas, in a song to David,' with these variations from W.'s text (of the last three):
1. 3 strength depends,
1. 6 Commences, reigns, and ends.