Page:Poems by Christina Rossetti with illustrations by Florence Harrison.djvu/27

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And like a queen went down

Pale in her royal crown ....... Frontispiece

Sucked their fruit globes fair or red 4

" For your sake I have braved the glen

And had to do with goblin merchant men " . . . . . .20

Hark ! the bride weepeth ......... 34

Tedious Land for a Social Prince ....... 38

So the Prince was tended with care ....... 46

" You should have wept her yesterday " ...... 52

" Ah woe is me ! Whom I have seen

Are now as though they had not been "...... bo

I, if I perish, perish. In the name of God I go . . . . -72

My heart is like a singing bird ........ 92

Come with me, fair and false.

To our home, come home . . . . . . . . .104

"Margaret, won't you even look at me.'" . . . . . .118

Of course the village girls.

Who envy me my curls

And gowns and idleness,

Take comfort in a jeer . . . . . . . . .128
