Page:Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, Compos'd at several times.djvu/133

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Where this night are met in state
Many a friend to gratulate
His wish't presence, and beside
All the Swains that there abide,
With Jiggs, and rural dance resort.
We shall catch them at their sport,
And our sudden coming there
Will double all their mirth and chere;
Com let us haste, the Stars grow high,
But night fits monarch yet in the mid sky.

The Scene changes presenting Ludlow Town and
  the Presidents Castle, then com in Countrey-
  Dancers, after them the attendant Spirit, with
  the two Brothers and the Lady.


Spir. Back Shepherds, back, anough your play,
  Till next Sun-shine holiday,
  Here be without duck or nod
  Other trippings to be trod
  Of lighter toes, and such Court guise
  As Mercury did first devise
  With the mincing Dryades
  On the Lawns, and on the Leas.

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