" So do I live from day to day,
Nor think how long my task may be, Working for good through all my way.
Farewell ! I seek my destiny."
" Spirit," I cried, "one moment stay!
O, tell me, whither dost thou tend ? Answer, if thou hast power to say 1
Where will thy life's long labors end ? "
" Ask Him," said he, " who bade me wend
My way unquestioned to the sea. With the broad ocean soon I blend,
There wait what work remains for me.
" Perhaps in clouds and mist my form
Shall from the ocean's breast exhale. Descend once more in gloom and storm,
And bless once more each thirsty vale.
" Perhaps, absorbed within the sea,
My restless waves shall cease to roll, And, mingling with immensity,
Blend formless in the unbounded whole.
" Ask me not how, nor when, nor where ;
Still to flow on is my behest ; Duty — 'tis but for that I care ;
To the world's God I leave the rest."
Fain had I spoke once more, but he
Had vanished on the floods away ; Nought but the moonlight could I see,
That gleamed upon the glittering spray.
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