Page:Poems of Patriotism (1942).djvu/56

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A Creed

To keep in mind from day to day
That I’m a soldier in the fray;
That I must serve, from sun to sun,
As well as he who bears a gun
The flag that flies above us all,
And answer well my country’s call.

I must not for one hour forget
Unto the Stars and Stripes my debt.
’Twas spotless on my day of birth,
And when at last I quit this earth
Old Glory still must spotless be
For all who follow after me.

At some post where my work will fit
I must with courage do my bit;
Some portion of myself I’d give
That freedom and the flag may live.
And in some way I want to feel
That I am doing service real.

I must in all I say and do
Respect the red, the white, and blue;