Page:Poems of Patriotism (1942).djvu/70

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Do Your All

“Do your bit!” How cheap and trite
Seems that phrase in such a fight!
“Do your bit!” That cry recall,
Change it now to “Do your all!”
Do your all, and then do more;
Do what you’re best fitted for;
Do your utmost, do and give,
You have but one life to live.

Do your finest, do your best,
Don’t let up and stop to rest.
Don’t sit back and idly say:
“I did something yesterday.”
Come on! Here’s another hour,
Give it all you have of power.
Here’s another day that needs
Everybody’s share of deeds.

“Do your bit!” of course, but then
Do it time and time again;
Giving, doing, all should be
Up to full capacity.
Now’s no time to pick and choose,