Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 1.djvu/97

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Off herb and flour, and tendir plantis sueit,
And grene levis doing of dew doun fleit.

The purpour sone, with tendir bemys reid, 50
In orient bricht as angell did appeir,
Throw goldin skyis putting up his heid,
Quhois gilt tressis schone so wondir cleir,
That all the world tuke confort, fer and neir,
To luke upone his fresche and blisfull face, 55
Doing all sable fro the hevynnis chace.

And as the blisfull soune of cherarchy
The fowlis song throw confort of the licht;
The birdis did with oppin vocis cry,
O luvaris so, away thow dully nycht, 60
And welcum day that confortis every wicht;
Haill May, haill Flora, haill Aurora schene,
Haill princes Nature, haill Venus luvis queue.

Dame Nature gaif ane inhibitioun thair
To ferss Neptunus, and Eolus the bawld, 65
Nocht to perturb the wattir nor the air,
And that no schouris [snell] nor blastis cawld
Effray suld flouris nor fowlis on the fold:
Scho bad eik Juno, goddes of the sky,
That scho the hevin suld keip amene and dry. 70

Scho ordand eik that every bird and beist

Befoir hir Hienes suld annone compeir,