Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/95

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Tak the ane fidill, or a floyt to jeift, Undocht, thow art ordanit to nocht ellis! Thy clowtit cloik, thy fkrip, and thy clamfckellis, Cleik on thy corce, and fair on in to France, 510 And cum thow nevir agane but ane mifchance; The feynd fair with the, fordwart our the fellis.

Cankerit Cayne, tryit trowane, tutevilloufs, Marmadin, mymmerkin, monftour of all men, I fall gar bake the to the laird of Hilhoufs, 515 To fwelly the in fteid of ane pullit hen. Fowmart, fazart, fofterit in filth and fen, Fowle fellone, flend fule, upoun thy philhom fy! Thy dok ay dreipis of dirt, and will nocht dry, To tume thy tone it wald tyre carlingis ten. 520

Confpiratour, curfit kokatrice, hellis ka, Turk, trumpour, tratour, tyrrane intemperat; Thow irefull attircop, Pylat appoftata, Judafs, jow, juglour, Lollard lawreat; Sarazene, fymonyte, prowd Pagane pronunceat, 525 Mahomeit, manefworne, [rebald] abhominable, Devill, dampnit doig, [in evill] unfatiable, With Gog and Magog greit glorificat.

Nero thy nevoy, Golias thy grantfchir, Pharo thy fadeir, Egipya thy dame, 530 Deulbeir, thir ar the cauffis that I confpyre,

Termygantis temptis and Vefpafius thy erne;