Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/101

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Several Occasions.
And thou, fair Peace, from the wild Floods of War
Come Dove-like, and thy blooming Olive bear;
Tell me, ye Victors, what strange Charms ye find
In Conquest, that Destruction of Mankind!
Unenvy'd may your Laurels ever grow,
That never flourish but in human Woe,
If never Earth the Wreath triumphal bears,
Till drench'd in Heroes Blood, or Orphans Tears.

Let Ganges from afar to Slaughter train
His fable Warriors on th' embattled Plain;
Let Volga's Sons in iron Squadrons rise,
And pour in Millions from her frozen Skies;
Thou gentle Thames, flow thou in peaceful Streams,
Bid thy bold Sons restrain their martial Flames;
In thy own Laurel's Shade Great Marlbro' stay,
There charm the Thoughts of conquer'd Worlds away;
