Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/104

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Poems on
Unskill'd in Verse I haunt the silent Grove,
Yet lowly Shepherds sing to mighty Jove;
And mighty Jove attends the Shepherds Vows,
And gracious what his Suppliants ask bestows:
So by thy Favour may the Muse be crown'd,
And plant her Laurels in more fruitful Ground;
The grateful Muse shall in return bestow
Her spreading Laurels to adorn thy Brow.

Thus guarded by the Tree of Jove, a Flow'r
Shoots from the Earth, nor fears th' inclement Show'r;
And when the Fury of the Storm is laid,
Repays with Sweets the Hospitable Shade.

Severe their Lot, who when they long endure
The Wounds of Fortune, late receive a Cure!
Like Ships in Storms o'er liquid Mountains tost,
E'er they are sav'd must almost first be lost;
