Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/140

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Poems on
Now met th' illustrious Synod, down they sate,
Down on a spot of Ground unstain'd with Blood,
Where vengeful Hector from the Slaughter stay'd
His murd'rous Arm, when the dark Veil of Night
Sabled the Pole: To whom thus Nestor spoke.

Lives there a Son of Fame so nobly brave,
That Troy-ward dares to trace the dang'rous way,
To seize some straggling Foe? or learn what Troy
Now meditates? to pour the Flood of War
Fierce on our Fleet, or back within her Walls
Lead her proud Legions? O! what Fame would crown
The Hero thus triumphant, prais'd o'er Earth
Above the Sons of Men? And what Rewards
Should he receive? From every grateful Peer
A sable Ewe, and Lamb, of highest worth
