Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/147

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Several Occasions.
They still pursu'd: as when two skilful Hounds
Chase o'er the Lawn the Hare or bounding Roe,
Still from the sheltring Brake the Game they turn,
Stretch every Nerve, and bear upon the Prey!
So ran the Chiefs, and from the Host of Troy
Turn'd the swift Foe: now nigh the Fleet they slew,
Now almost mingled with the Guards, when lo!
The martial Goddess breath'd Heroic Flames
Fierce on Tydides' Soul: the Hero fear'd
Lest some bold Greek should interpose a Wound
And ravish half the Glories of the Night.
Furious he shook his Lance, and Stand, he cry'd,
Stand, or thou dy'st: then sternly from his Arm
Launch'd the wild Spear, wilful the Javelin err'd,
But whizzing o'er his Shoulder, deep in Earth
Stood quivering, and he quaking stop'd aghast;
His Teeth all chatter'd, and his slack Knees knock'd;
He seem'd the bloodless Image of pale Fear.
