Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/149

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Several Occasions.
He promis'd, and Immortal Steeds that bear
To Fight, the great Achilles: thus betray'd,
Thro' the dun Shades of Night I bend my way
Unprosp'rous, to explore the tented Host
Of adverse Greece, and learn if now they stand
Wakeful on Guard, or vanquish'd by our Arms
Precipitant desert the Shores of Troy.

To whom with Smiles of Scorn the Sage returns:
Bold were thy Aims, O! Youth: But those proud Steeds,
Restive, disdain the Rule of vulgar Hands;
Scarce ev'n the Goddess-born, when the loud Din
Of Battle roars, subdues them to the Rein
Reluctant: But this Night where Hector sleeps
Faithful disclose: Where stand the Warrior's Steeds?
Where lie his Arms and Implements of War?
What Guards are kept nocturnal? Say, what Troy
