Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/151

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Several Occasions.
And Pæons, dreadful with the Battle-Bow,
Extended lie; on the Thymbræan Plain
The Lycians and the Mysians in array
Spread their deep Ranks: There the Mæonian Bands,
And Phrygians range the fiery Steeds of War.
But why this nice Enquiry? If your way
Vent'rous you bend to search the Host of Troy,
There in yon outmost Lines, a recent Aid,
The Thracians lie, by Rhesus led, whose Steeds
Outshine the Snow, outfly the winged Winds;
With glitt'ring Silver Plates, and radiant Gold
His Chariot flames, Gold forms his dazzling Arms,
Arms that may grace a God!—but to your Tents
Unhappy me convey; or bound with Chains,
Fast bound with cruel Chains, sad on the Shores
Here leave me Captive, till you safe return,
And witness to the Truth my Tongue unfolds.
