Several Occasions.
To a young Lady upon her leaving,
and return to, the Country.
Say, while each Scene so beautiful appears,
Why heaves thy Bosom, and why flow thy Tears?
See! from the Clouds the Spring descends in Show'rs,
The painted Vallies laugh with rising Flowers:
Smooth flow the Floods, soft breathe the vernal Airs,
The Spring, Flow'rs, Floods, conspire to charm our Cares.
Say, while each Scene so beautiful appears,
Why heaves thy Bosom, and why flow thy Tears?
See! from the Clouds the Spring descends in Show'rs,
The painted Vallies laugh with rising Flowers:
Smooth flow the Floods, soft breathe the vernal Airs,
The Spring, Flow'rs, Floods, conspire to charm our Cares.