Several Occasions.
Poverty and Poetry.
'Twas sung of old how one Amphion,
Could by his Verses tame a Lion;
And by his strange enchanting Tunes,
Make Bears or Wolves dance Rigadoons:
His Songs could call the Timber down,
And form it into House or Town;
But it is plain that in these times
No House is rais'd by Poets Rhimes;
They for themselves can only rear
A few wild Castles in the Air;
Poor are the Brethren of the Bays,
Down from high Strains, to Ekes and Ayes.
Could by his Verses tame a Lion;
And by his strange enchanting Tunes,
Make Bears or Wolves dance Rigadoons:
His Songs could call the Timber down,
And form it into House or Town;
But it is plain that in these times
No House is rais'd by Poets Rhimes;
They for themselves can only rear
A few wild Castles in the Air;
Poor are the Brethren of the Bays,
Down from high Strains, to Ekes and Ayes.