Several Occasions.
With Riches blest, to Heav'n those Riches lend,
The poor Man's Guardian, and the good Man's Friend:
Bid virtuous Sorrow smile, scorn'd Merit chear,
And o'er Affliction pour the generous Tear.
Some, wildly lib'ral, squander, not bestow,
And give unprais'd, because they give for Show:
To sanctify thy Wealth, on Worth employ
Thy Gold, and to a Blessing turn the Toy:
Thus Off'rings from th' Unjust pollute the Skies,
The good, turn Smoke into a Sacrifice.
The poor Man's Guardian, and the good Man's Friend:
Bid virtuous Sorrow smile, scorn'd Merit chear,
And o'er Affliction pour the generous Tear.
Some, wildly lib'ral, squander, not bestow,
And give unprais'd, because they give for Show:
To sanctify thy Wealth, on Worth employ
Thy Gold, and to a Blessing turn the Toy:
Thus Off'rings from th' Unjust pollute the Skies,
The good, turn Smoke into a Sacrifice.
As when an Artist plans a favourite Draught,
The Structures rise responsive to the Thought;
A Palace grows beneath his forming Hands,
Or worthy of a God a Temple stands:
Such is thy rising Frame! by Heav'n design'd
A Temple, worthy of a Godlike Mind;
The Structures rise responsive to the Thought;
A Palace grows beneath his forming Hands,
Or worthy of a God a Temple stands:
Such is thy rising Frame! by Heav'n design'd
A Temple, worthy of a Godlike Mind;