Several Occasions.
As from the Furnace, in a burning Flood
Pours molten Lead, so pours in Streams his Blood;
And now he staggers, as the Spirit flies,
He faints, he sinks, he tumbles, and he dies.
As some huge Cedar on a Mountain's Brow,
Pierc'd by the Steel, expects the final Blow,
A while it totters with alternate sway,
Till freshning Breezes thro' the Branches play;
Then tumbling downward with a thundring Sound,
Falls headlong, and o'erspreads a breadth of Ground:
So as the Giant falls, the Ocean roars,
Out-stretch'd he lies, and covers half the Shores.
Pours molten Lead, so pours in Streams his Blood;
And now he staggers, as the Spirit flies,
He faints, he sinks, he tumbles, and he dies.
As some huge Cedar on a Mountain's Brow,
Pierc'd by the Steel, expects the final Blow,
A while it totters with alternate sway,
Till freshning Breezes thro' the Branches play;
Then tumbling downward with a thundring Sound,
Falls headlong, and o'erspreads a breadth of Ground:
So as the Giant falls, the Ocean roars,
Out-stretch'd he lies, and covers half the Shores.