Poems on
To Mr. Fenton's excellent Tragedy
When breathing Statues mouldring waste away,
And Tombs, unfaithful to their trust, decay;
The Muse rewards the suff'ring Good with Fame,
Or wakes the prosp'rous Villain into Shame;
To the stern Tyrant gives fictitious Pow'r
To reign the restless Monarch of an Hour.
And Tombs, unfaithful to their trust, decay;
The Muse rewards the suff'ring Good with Fame,
Or wakes the prosp'rous Villain into Shame;
To the stern Tyrant gives fictitious Pow'r
To reign the restless Monarch of an Hour.
Obedient to her Call, this Night appears
Great Herod rising from a length of Years;
Great Herod rising from a length of Years;